Proper observance of etiquette is as much a part of your training as is learning techniques. It also ensures a safe and pleasant training environment for all. Yokohama AikiDojo students are expected to be aware and follow all the following expectations.
General practice
- When entering or leaving the training hall and/or practice area, bow in the direction of the shomen.
- Practice is done barefoot on the mat and in the dojo.
- Shoes should be worn anywhere else in the building.
- Be on time for class. If late, sit quietly in seiza on the edge of the mat until the instructor grants permission to join practice.
- Bow down before exiting the mat.
- Take breaks and rehydrate as often needed, especially in summer.
- Only sit in seiza or agura (cross-legged).
- Remove watches, rings and other jewelry before practice.
- Keep finger and toenails short.
- Carry out the directives of the instructor promptly.
- Perform only the movements as demonstrated by the instructors.
Interpersonal relationships
- Do not engage in rough-housing or contests of strength during class.
- Do not block the partner, let them perform their technique until the end and take ukemi, regardless of their degree of competence.
- Do not talk to your partner during practice.
- Casual chat is very welcome to make everyone feel at ease, but it should be saved for times before and after the class.
- Preserve common-sense standards of decency, inclusiveness, and respect towards all, and at all times.
- The dojo has a zero tolerance rule for rudeness or bullying (including low level verbal bullying). Members found to engage in such practices will be asked to withdraw immediately.
- Make sure to address others using a standard level of politeness, regardless of age or rank difference.
- Do not correct your partner during practice. Only teachers are entitled to make corrections. If your partner does not know how to do the technique well, just follow their movements and let them figure things out by themselves until the instructor comes to correct.
Fees and equipment
- Make sure that the training fee has been paid ahead of coming to class, or upon stepping in the dojo.
- Wear a white judo-type keikogi after the first month of practice.
- Keep your training uniform clean, in good shape, and free of odors.
- Purchase your own sets of weapons (bokken and jo) once you intend to keep practicing.
Uniform and use of changing rooms
- Changing of clothes should only occur in the changing rooms, not in the dojo, nor in the corridor. Members found to break this rule will be asked to withdraw immediately.
- Use only the appropriate changing rooms, labelled Boys or Girls for children until high school, and Men or Women for adults.
- Adult parents may not accompany their children in the changing rooms.
- Adults changing space is limited, so please wait patiently for the room to be vacated.
Children class
- Children are expected to arrive at the dojo from 20 minutes before the class, not earlier.
- Parents are responsible for supervising their child while on campus, outside of practice time.
- Children must only use the equipment meant for Aikido practice. All other equipment (climbing wall, etc.) should not be used.
- Children may not leave the dojo without obtaining permission from the instructor.
- Parents are welcome and encouraged to attend the classes to watch their child's progress.
Children staying with their parents during the adults class
- Member children who have parents who are training during the adult class are welcome to stay in the dojo during training.
- Children must return promptly to the dojo after changing, and remain in the dojo during the class (except for toilet breaks).
- Children are expected to sit quietly during the class (doing homework, reading, quietly using a device are OK).
- The outside recreation area may be used, under the constant supervision of at least one adult.
- Any child must at all time be supervised by at least one adult while on campus.
The Yokohama AikiDojo instructors reserve the right to deny access to the training area if in spite of several reminders, a member continues failing to meet one or several of the previously stated expectations.