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Report on the 12th Kanagawa Prefecture Aikido Federation Seminar
Yokohama AikiDojo participated in the 12th Kanagawa Prefecture Aikido Federation Seminar (第十二回 神奈川県合気道連盟講習会) led by Fujimaki Hiroshi Sensei on Saturday, March 8, at the Kanagawa Prefectural Budokan. T...
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Congratulations to newly promoted to kyu and dan grades!
As a dojo officially affiliated to the Aikikai Foundation, Aikido Hombu Dojo, Yokohama AikiDojo is permitted to hold kyu and dan grading examinations. Our dojo recently held those examinations for our...
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Yokohama AikiDojo Instructors Attend the 2025 Candidate Instructor Seminar
Yokohama AikiDojo is pleased to report that our instructors attended the 2025 edition of the Candidate Instructor Seminar (令和6年度指導者候補講習会), organized by the Aikikai Foundation on the 25th and 26th of J...
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Mihály Dobroka Sensei Promoted to 5th Dan
The first major event of the year in the Aikido world is the Kagamibiraki, a ceremony that takes place at the Aikikai Foundation - Aikido Hombu Dojo in early January. For this occasion, several hundre...
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