Congratulations to newly promoted to kyu and dan grades!

Congratulations to newly promoted to kyu and dan grades!

As a dojo officially affiliated to the Aikikai Foundation, Aikido Hombu Dojo, Yokohama AikiDojo is permitted to hold kyu and dan grading examinations. Our dojo recently held those examinations for our adult members, and we are delighted to announce that all students passed their test!

Examination sessions were held last month on each of our three weekly classes at our dojo, under the supervision of Guillaume Erard Shihan, assisted by our instructor team. Students were asked to demonstrate a range of techniques, based on Yokohama AikiDojo’s official curriculum.

kyu dan examsGuillaume Erard Shihan and Allan Fontaine Sensei supervising the Saturday morning kyu and grade examination session.

This year was a significant milestone as we held our first dan grade examinations. Dan grades that are awarded by Yokohama AikiDojo are issued by the Aikido World Headquarters and signed by Doshu, Ueshiba Moriteru, the grandson of the founder of Aikido.

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Guillaume Shihan awarding a second dan certificate on behalf of Doshu

This particular nidan test ran for a little over 25 minutes and covered seated techniques, standing techniques, as well as weapons (tanto) and multiple attacks.

Our instructors team was particularly impressed by the degree of dedication displayed by all members, regardless of their level, and the considerable amount of progress that was made by all. This is wonderful to see the general level in our dojo increase, and as a result, the practice is getting more and more exciting and dynamic.

kyu grades

Members of the Friday class who received kyu promotions

On that note, we would like to thank all our members who took ukemi for their peers, hence allowing them to perform at the best of their ability.

Coming up next month is the kids' grading examinations, which are based on a specific curriculum that was designed to suit the cognitive and developmental stage of the children. We will be reporting on those in late April!

Training Times

Classes are taught in English, Japanese and French
to - Adults & Youths
to 16:30 - Saint Maur Students
17:00 to 18:00 - Children
18:30 to - Adults & Youths
to 11:00 - Children
11:10 to - Adults & Youths

Yokohama AikiDojo

Officially recognized by the Aikikai Foundation, the World Aikido Headquarters.
83 Yamatecho, Naka Ward Yokohama, Kanagawa 231-0862

For all questions and inquiries, please email: [email protected]


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