As a dojo officially affiliated to the Aikikai Foundation, all kyu and dan grades that are obtained at Yokohama AikiDojo are issued by the Aikido World Headquarters and are recognized all over the world.

Grading System

All kyu and dan examinations are held at the dojo, under the supervision of Guillaume Erard Shihan.

The decision to allow a student to take part in an examination, and to award them a grade as a result, is based not only on a set of strict technical criteria, but also on more holistic parameters, in particular those that pertain to contributing positively and meaningfully to the dojo's dynamics, such as one's attitude towards one's juniors.


Examination Format and Criteria

Examination Format and Criteria

Children Grading

Children kyu grading examinations (11th kyu to 6th kyu) are held once per year and follow a distinct program that is adapted to the developmental age of children and adolescents. The program is communicated to students and families privately throughout the progression.

Adults Grading

Grading examinations are held ad hoc when members have totaled the minimum number of required training session and when they are meeting the expectations of a particular grade level.

Adults kyu grades examinations follow the program available at this link.

Dan grades examinations are held according to the same general criteria. The technical content is that of the Aikikai Headquarters, and it includes all contents seen in class and during seminars. In addition, candidates will be required to submit an essay, for which the topic and word count will be given upon registering for the examination.



Examination Content

1st dan

70 days of practice after obtaining 1st kyu, (15 years or older)

Unarmed techniques : zagi, hanmi-handachi waza, tachi waza from shomen-uchi, yokomen-uchi, tsuki, all forms of grasping shoulders, elbows, collar, wrists and hands; all techniques from the rear.
Submit an article on an Aikido-related subject (word count and topic will be assigned prior following exam registration).

2nd dan

Minimum 1 year since 1st dan, with 200 days of practice

Same as above plus tanto-dori and futarigake.
Submit an article on an Aikido-related subject.

3rd dan

Minimum 2 years since 2nd dan, with 300 days of practice

Same as above plus tachi-dori, jo-dori and taninzugake.
Submit an article on an Aikido-related subject.

4th dan

Minimum 3 years since 3rd dan, with 400 days of practice, (22 years or older)

Jiyuwaza for all of the above plus a short essay.
Submit an article on an Aikido-related subject.

Attendance to special classes and national and international seminars is taken in consideration.

Examinations should be taken at the dojo where one normally practices. If one wishes to take an examination at a dojo other than where one normally practices, approval of both dojo is required.

As a rule, uke in an examination should be of the same rank or below.

Continue doing the same technique, left and right, ura and omote, until the examiner says "Stop".


Members taking an examination will be required to join Aikikai Public Interest Incorporated Foundation and pay the following fees.

Prior to examination:

  • Examination fee: ¥2,200

Upon passing the examination:

  • Aikikai Foundation membership fee (one time): ¥8,800
  • Kyu grade fee: ¥3,300
  • Dan grade fee: ¥11,000 per rank
  • First dan only: Aikikai Foundation support fee: ¥1,000
  • First dan only: International yudansha book fee: ¥2,200

Kyu Syllabus

Adults kyu grades examinations follow the program available at this link.


Yokohama AikiDojo

Officially recognized by the Aikikai Foundation, the World Aikido Headquarters.
83 Yamatecho, Naka Ward Yokohama, Kanagawa 231-0862

For all questions and inquiries, please email: [email protected]


Training Times

Classes are taught in English, Japanese et and French

  • WEDNESDAYS 17:00 to 18:00 - Adults & Youths (14 yrs old and up)
  • FRIDAYS 15:30 to 16:30 - Grade 2 to Grade 5 (Saint Maur Students Only)
  • SATURDAYS 10:00 to 11:00 - Children (6 to 13 yrs old) & Parents OK!
  • SATURDAYS 11:10 to 12:10 - Adults & Youths (14 yrs old and up)

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